Lease Financing
Bowman Manufacturing partners with Cameron Financial to offer attractive financing options. Typical terms of a 5 year lease include a down payment due at time of purchase and an annual payment due each year after harvest. At the end of the lease, a fixed amount (stated upfront in the lease) will be due. Customers can choose to purchase the equipment for the amount due or simply return the equipment with no further obligation.
For over 20 years, Cameron Financial has specialized in agricultural equipment financing and offers same day credit approvals with customized payment structures to fit your needs.
Click the link below to open and complete the simple, one page Equipment Financing Application. Once completed, either fax it to the number shown at the bottom of the application, or email it to A Cameron Financial representative will normally contact you the same day!
Cameron_Financial_App_Bowman Mfg.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [817.9 KB]